Copyright ©  Stephen McKay

The following list of resources are supported by McKay9 Dog Training.

We only provide links where we are personally familiar with the content.

OneMind Dogs - An approach to agility training and handling that developed in Finland and utilizes natural cues that enhance communication between you and your canine teammate.

The Truth About Positive Reinforcement - An article in Psychology Today from Dr. Lore Haug which accurately describes our training ethic and approach.

Whole Dog Journal - A magazine publication with useful training and behavior articles, nutrition, health and care information.

Clean Run - A company serving agility enthusiasts with magazine forums, toys and products.

American College of Veterinary Behaviorists - Provides information on services offered by Veterinary Behaviorists as well as a listing of Board Certified Veterinary Behaviorists.

Fearful Dog Website - Provides information and resources to help understand, work with and live with dogs that suffer from fear and anxiety.

Port Chester Obedience Training Club - Offers group classes in Pet Manners, Agility, Obedience, Rally, Nosework and more. Located in White Plains, Westchester New York.

Humane Society of Westchester at New Rochelle - Animal shelter serving much of Westchester County New York.

​Pet Proofing Your Home - Tips for creating a safe environment for your pet with its own list of resource links included.

Clicker Training Website - Karen Pryor's website with products and ideas related to clicker training.

Petfinder - is a website listing homeless pets that are available for adoption. Recommend that you read the "Before You Get Your Puppy" link below as you search for your new pet.

Before You Get Your Puppy - Dr. Ian Dunbar's website, Dog Star Daily. Provides valuable free information about getting, socializing and raising a puppy.

ASPCA Training/Behavior - The ASPCA has virtual behaviorist advice available.

Patricia McConnell, Ph.D. - Website for one of the best authorities in dog behavior.

Sophia Yin - Another gem in the dog training world. Sophia herself is sadly no longer with us, but her work is still shared on her site.

Dog Food Adviser - Website dedicated to information and updates concerning dog food.Type your paragraph here.